Monday, January 27, 2014

Walking along a country road.....

Dancing Madrone Wine Soaps at Gathered in Healdsburg, Calif.

Soap Logs at JD Redhouse in Willits

These are two of the soap logs made especially for JD Redhouse in Willits.  One is Cranberry Rose & Calendulas & Shea Butter plus Calendulas & Shea Butter & Green  Tea.

Simple and thoughful wood bead necklace.

My sister-in-law Gail made this necklace and gave it to me at Thanksgiving 2013.  I appreciate the careful selection of each wooden bead that was naturally harvested South American wood and hand painted Agate.  I love the beautiful clasp, too.  Gail also made the pretty bag that the beads were gifted in.

Muscle Soothe at Mariposa Market

Muscle Soothe is in the Health & Beauty Products aisle at Mariposa Market in Willits.